
Live demo


  • Timeline: January – June 2022.
  • Type: Interdisciplinary.
  • Course: IDG3800 - Portfolio and Exhibition.
  • Role: CMS responsible and front-end developer.
  • Tools: Gatsby and Sanity.

Purpose of this project

A website that displays 27 students from Bachelor in graphic design, 29 students from Bachelor in interaction design and 18 students from Bachelor in web development at NTNU in Gjøvik complete three years of studies with an exhibition. Each student shows selected works from their own portfolio.

My contribution

For this project i mainly worked on setting up Sanity (CMS) in order for content managers to add students and their projects. I have also created the initial file structure, where i set up Gatsby and Sanity and added plugins that enabled Gatsby and Sanity to communicate.


  • Interdisciplinary work

Potential improvements

  • Markdown instead of Sanity

Markdown instead of Sanity

Sanity is currently used as the Content Management System (CMS) for this project. The problem that I noticed was the amount of overhead this brings to the project regarding planning. Gathering information from 74 students and arranging content creators to add this information takes a long time. There have been a lot of small tweaks throughout this project regarding spelling errors and additional information that needed to be added. An improvement that could have been done instead is to create pages dynamically using the Gatsby plugin 'gatsby-transformer-remark' and template pages. Each student could have created their own markdown file containing their own content. Since Avgangsutstilling is a project that requires interdisciplinary work, each student would have had the opportunity to add their own contribution.

What would i have done differently?

Should I have created Avgangsutstilling again using Sanity, I would have modeled the schemas differently. The current approach is grouping all the students into one student schema which creates confusion for content creators. A better approach would have been to separate BIXD, BMED and BWU into separate schemas which enables the content creators from each studyprogramme to have better control of their group of students.